I will be trying to add a detailed report including my design steps, images, schematics, CAD files and code here. But may need to link to this externally. For now, here is a rough description of what I hope to achieve:
- Before I was kindly pointed to the MGC3130, my hands location was going to be sensed with the use of multiple capacitive antennas connected to microchips CTMU peripheral, within a PIC microcontroller. If the sensors were sensitive enough, proximity and location information could be obtained by comparing the data obtained from each antenna. The MGC3130 made this much easier. The MGC3130 is a turn key solution for this, all that is required is reading values stored in the MGC3130 via I2C. This includes gestures, and x, y and z position of hand.
- The classic light switch has access to mains voltage, and the wires to the light that will be connected to the mains. This means that the device can be a direct drop in replacement, as there is mains power to power the device right there in the wall.
Hi Johnny, what happened to this project? are you still developing it?