
Video Playlist :
Prerequisite for Level A:
- Basic understanding of physics, laws of motion, gravity
- Basic understanding of electrical systems: AC, DC, motor
- Basic understanding of electronics
- Basic understanding of Digital Signal Processing and control system is good to have though not necessary
Hardware / Kit:
Students are advised to audit this class without investing in kit as the ability to pick and match components will be taught during the class and later participants can pick their own kit to make drones which suits their applications. A good source to buy drone parts is : (not-sponsored, no-liabilities of parts failures)
The drone flight controller will be programmed and tuned using an open source firmware, details will be shared during the class. No special software or OS is needed to attend this course.
A Basic quadcopter drone kit includes:
1- 1x Frame (Quadcopter, Tricopter, Hexacopter etc)
2- 4x Brushless DC motor xxyy-AAAA KV (4 motors for quadcopter, xxyy-AA is rating)
3- 4x Electronic Speed Controlled - XX amps
4- 1 Radio transmitter
5- 1 compatible Radio receiver - min 6 channels
6- Flight Controller and Power distribution board
7- FPV Camera
8- FPV Video Transmitter
9- Propellers
10- Battery and connectors
11- Battery charger
12- Antenna for vtx
13- Misc - (LEDs, 3D printed parts, Landing pads, FPV Goggles/Monitors)
Class Schedule:
Class 1: Introductions to UAVs and Propeller Selection process:
- What are UAVs and their applications
- Physics which keeps a drone in Air
- Degree of Freedom( YAW, PITCH, ROLL)
- Basic talk on all the components
- Basic introduction to signal processing and sensors involved
- Propeller selection Guide
- Size of propeller
- Pitch of propeller
- Types of propeller
- Why is the cheapest component in drones also the most important component?
Class 2: Frame Selection and Tx/Rx:
- Frame selection guide
- Types of frame based on shapes and size
- Types of frame based on material
- Which frame to pick based on your applications
- Thrust to weight ratio
- About transmitter and receiver
- Frequency (ISM bands)
- Power
- Frequency hopping algorithms
- Can you DiY your own Tx/Rx?
- Basic introduction to telemetry
- Antenna length maths
- LRS (Long Range system) and UHF (Ultra high frequency systems)
Class 3: Motors, ESCs and Batteries
- Brushless DC motor parts
- Stator
- Rotor
- 3 phase Induction with rotating magnetic field
- Brushless DC motors ratings
- Importance of stator height and width
- KV Rating
- Magnet technology
- Electronics speed controller
- Pulse Width modulation
- Communication with receiver or flight controller
- Batteries
- LiPo / Li-ion/ LiFe / Nanotech
- mAH rating
- C rating
- S rating
- Charging and storing a battery
- A talk on safety
Class 4: Flight Controllers and Digital signal processing:
- Why we need a flight controller or software in our drones
- Why we need sensors on drones such as accelerometer, gyroscope
- Inertial Measurement Unit (IMUs) and Degree of freedom
- Digital Signal processing basics in drones
- Sensor fusion and filtering of data
- Read frequency
- Complementary filter
- Kalman filters
- Notch filter
- Basic maths behind filtering
- Need of control system
- Proportional Integral Derivative control system
- Basic Maths behind PID
- A discussion on PID tuning
- Session concluded
Course Classes
Class #1: Physics of flying objects & Drone propeller selection guide
Ayan Pahwa • 09/28/2020 at 09:38 • 1 commentIn this class we talked about forces acting on a flying object passing through a fluid (air), the lift and drag. Generating thrust to escape gravity and finally how to select propeller for your drone.
Class #2 : Transmitter & Receivers
Ayan Pahwa • 09/28/2020 at 09:39 • 0 commentsIn this class we talked about transmitters and receivers, frequency hoping, channels, Range etc.
Class #3 : Motors, ESCs and Batteries
Ayan Pahwa • 09/28/2020 at 09:40 • 0 commentsIn this class we talked about motor selection, parts of motors, electronic speed controllers and how they work, and finally different types of batteries used in drones.
Class #4 : Flight Controller, DSP and Control System
Ayan Pahwa • 09/28/2020 at 09:43 • 0 commentsIn this class we talked about why we need a program running to control our drone, sensor filtering, fusing and digital signal processing and finally control system algorithms responsible for keeping our drone stable and flyable.
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Really informative course. As I studied all the current classes. And applied what I learn on my business model. While having these new skills are improving my business alot day by day. Thank you so much for these valuable content.