

The thingSoC USBUART2 Base board incorporates a Cypress CY7C65215 Dual Channel USB Bridge, that supports UART, I2C, SPI, and JTAG interfaces

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The thingSoC USBUART2 Base board incorporates a Cypress CY7C65215 Dual Channel USB Bridge, that supports UART, I2C, SPI, and JTAG interfaces in a thingSoC format.

The thingSoC USBUART2 Base board has two USB bridge channels, which can be programmed to be either UART, I2C, SPI, JTAG, or Capacitance Sensing (buttons/sliders) Human Input devices.

USB Bridge One (Port 1) is connected to an FTDI pinout compatible programming connector, while USB Bridge Two (Port 2) is connected to the thingSoC standard UART channel.

Port1 can be used to program a target microprocessor, at the same time Port2 is used for another purpose (i.e. debug channel, USB to RS-485 bridge, etc).

It's like having two (2) FTDI adapters in One!

The thingSoC Digital Programming Connector (DPC) is backward compatible with the industry standard six (6) pin "FTDI" pinout USB to Serial Adapter pinout. However, the thingSoC Digital Programming Connector (DPC) includes two(2) extra pins (RTS & DEBUG) for extended device programming, such as "NodeMCU types" which use the RTS signal as a programming Enable, and the DTR signal as a programming Reset.

thingSoC USBUART2 Board
thingSoC USBUART2 Board

thingSoC USBUART3 Pinout Diagram :


USBUART2 Pinout Diagram

Adobe Portable Document Format - 254.60 kB - 01/16/2017 at 04:04


TSOC_USBUART2_Getting Started.pdf

Getting Started Guide

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.05 MB - 01/16/2017 at 04:04


  • 1 × Arduino
  • 1 × usbuart

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