See also about other users experience:</p><p>They write <a href="">about our GGreg20_v3 module on Twitter</a>;</p><p>The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is i<a href="">nstalled in Budapest, Pest, Hungary and connected to the service</a>;</p><p>The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is <a href="">installed in Dornstadt, Baden-W&#xFC;rttemberg, Germany and connected to the service</a>;<br></p><p>Tindie Blog: <a href="">Ionizing Radiation Detector For Safer Foraging</a> by&#xA0;<a href="">Jo Hinchliffe</a>.</p>">

See also about other users experience:</p><p>They write <a href="">about our GGreg20_v3 module on Twitter</a>;</p><p>The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is i<a href="">nstalled in Budapest, Pest, Hungary and connected to the service</a>;</p><p>The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is <a href="">installed in Dornstadt, Baden-W&#xFC;rttemberg, Germany and connected to the service</a>;<br></p><p>Tindie Blog: <a href="">Ionizing Radiation Detector For Safer Foraging</a> by&#xA0;<a href="">Jo Hinchliffe</a>.</p>">


GGReg20_V3 module: examples of interesting projects

A project log for GGreg20_V3 Ionizing Radiation Detector

The GGreg20_V3 Ionizing Radiation Detector is a new-generation ready-to-use device with an SBM-20 Geiger tube and pulse counting output

iot-devices-llcIoT-devices, LLC 01/26/2023 at 11:450 Comments

Examples of interesting projects in which our clients have used the GGReg20_V3 module:

1. GGReg20_V3 Geiger counter connected to RPi Pico W controller running ESPHome on Home Assistant;

2.Geiger counter based on ESPHome: radiation measurement and data publication on

Read full story at IoT-devices' website:

See also about other users experience:

They write about our GGreg20_v3 module on Twitter;

The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is installed in Budapest, Pest, Hungary and connected to the service;

The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is installed in Dornstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany and connected to the service;

Tindie Blog: Ionizing Radiation Detector For Safer Foraging by Jo Hinchliffe.
