

A voodoo style control of humanoids or others, that incorporates video stream and haptics. Apparatus for Remote Control of Humanoid Robots.

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The ARCHR is an open-source, 3D-printed, virtual reality suited humanoid "Voodoo style" robot controller for use in any scenario where complex robot control is not ideal. It makes robot control easy, intuitive, and immersive with 3D vision and haptic feedback. It was designed in response to the DARPA robotics challenge and hopes to be used in the Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant disaster one day. The project was my Electrical Engineering senior design project of 2014 and is being improved and used by future students and roboticists.

A version of this going into the DARPA robotics challenge in June 2015, and was also entered in an NSF grant for robot technologies that could be used for containment of future epidemics.

Source code at my github: (Look for ARCHR related repositories)
Youtube demo of two robots using ARCHR:
School wiki page with assembly/code instructions:

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juanbedoya843 wrote 04/09/2019 at 12:10 point

super cool thanks

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