08/28/2023 at 00:18 • 0 comments -
Beautiful Place
08/28/2023 at 00:18 • 1 comment -
Top 20 Hackaday Prize 2020!!
07/07/2020 at 01:02 • 0 commentsHey folks!!! today is the last day to vote for projects for the top 20 in the hackaday prize! I entered the competition a bit later than everyone else, since I wanted to go in with an idea/project that I felt passionate about enough to work on all the way through.
That project ended up being my Agricoltura IO system which is the sequel project/culmination of all myh previous projects in the open source agriculture and sensing category. I will be reusing the NFT grow system that I built for HydroPWNics with new control and sensing hardware based on the SunLeaf platform, all redesigned from the ground up using what I've learned in the last 4 years to avoid prior mistakes and have more success.
I am asking for the support of the community to please go to the project page and like the project, so I can make the top 20!
Thanks for all your support over these years!!! This one is bound to be the biggest one yet!!
Thanks for following my #Lattepanda 3 Delta Recording Rig buddy!