• Mastodon

    11/22/2022 at 20:45 0 comments

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  • The Ugly Sense

    06/27/2019 at 10:54 0 comments

    So you have made something. A drawing, a design, a device, a tool, a piece of clothes, a decoration. Whatever. And you see that it's not good. It's ugly, crooked, flimsy, brittle, and doesn't work well. Congratulations! You have the most precious and useful talent of all: the ability to tell when things are bad. With this talent it's only a matter of trying a lot of different approaches before you will be making masterpieces, because each time you will be able to tell if the thing you changed made it better of worse.

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  • Driving OLED Displays Directly

    12/18/2018 at 00:32 3 comments

    There are many monochrome OLED display modules available for really reasonable prices out there. They can be really useful for a small and simple display in a project. However, many libraries available for driving them are rather big and slow. In this article I want to show how easy it is to drive those displays directly, without a dedicated library, and how this can improve speed and save memory.

    As an example I will be using a Wemos D1 Mini (now Lolin D1 Mini) board with an OLED shield. To focus on the data we need to send, and not on details of environments and libraries, I will be using MicroPython for all of the code. I hope that once understood, the examples can easily be translated for any other board, display and language.

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