
Dylan Bleier

chemist, solar energy researcher, hardware hacker, electrical engineering and comp sci disaster, freethinker

Rochester, New York
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This user joined on 04/14/2015.

Things I've Built

Straight razor made with forge

1084 steel

Knife made with forge

1084 steel

Steel forge / aluminum foundry: a charcoal/coal electric blower forge

I built this with some iron pipe, a car wheel, and a super heavy piece of pipe. After many attempts I successfully used it to heat treat one knife and one straight razor out of 1084 high carbon steel. I plan to do lost styrofoam Al casting.

Faraday Rotator

A device that rotates the polarization of light using magnets.

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ProtoVoltaics wrote 04/23/2015 at 11:41 point

Thanks for the skull! New updates to the pick and place project coming soon with a new video!

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Radu Motisan wrote 04/15/2015 at 14:13 point

Thanks for your interest in uRADMonitor!

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