
Lora/LoraWan IoT Device

8km long range data transmission device. Supports reading sensor standards such as I2C, RS485, Analog.

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This is a Lora/LoraWan device, it carries the power of STM32 inside.
Easily program on Arduino IDE with examples code and detailed instructions.
Optimized design and low current consumption help the device work for many years with only 1 cell 18650mA battery.
Besides, it also supports solar charging.
Supported connection standards include:
-RS485 (Modbus RTU)
-I2C and One-Wire
-Analog input (4-20mA, 0-10V)
You can see more details on what this tiny device can do here:

Here's a quick summary of what's included in this library:

ExamplesDescriptionSupportVerify by
Blink ledOn/off led on boardCanopus Lab
Read analogRead 0-10V sensorCanopus Lab
Read 4-20mA sensorCanopus Lab
Serial1Serial1 printCanopus Lab
Modbus RTURAK3172 is masterCanopus Lab
RAK3172 is slaveCanopus Lab
Lora P2PSender (send value sensor)Canopus Lab
Reciever (request from Gateway)Canopus Lab
Ra02 - Rak3172Canopus Lab
LoraWanClass B, Info, Multicast, ABPCanopus Lab
GeneralPowersave, timer, interuptCanopus Lab
MultitaskingCanopus Lab
SensorDHT11, DHT21, DHT22, AM23xx
DS18B20 (Temperature Probe)
SHT3X (Temperature air)Canopus Lab
BH1750 (Light)Canopus Lab
MHZ19B (CO2)
SR04 (Ultrasonic)
VL53L1x (Laser Distance ToF)
Adafruit STEMMA Soil
PZEM-016, PZEM 004T
Gas (LPG/CO/CH4) MQ-2
PM2.5 Air Quality GP2Y1014AU0F
Scenarios (*)Modbus_Lora📡<-->📡Lora_Modbus


(*) Scenarios: Node A read value from sensor (I2C, modbus, 4-20mA, 0-10V, one-wire), and send to node B.
Node B is modbus slave, simulation sensor, update value in register each time recieve signal from node A.
We can use PLC or another device read value modbus RTU from node B. It is same read direct sensor, but there is a small delay.

Regarding One-Wire sensors, we will wait for support from RAK team in Q3-2023.
Currently, because of RUI3 limitations, there is no official library for this communication standard from Rakwireless.

Plan Summary

🚀[Firmware] Add examples code scenariosAug 2023
🚀[Firmware] The first packages publishAug 2023
🚀[Firmware] Support One-wire sensor. Ex: DHT2x, DHT1x, DS18B20September 2023
🚀[Hardware] Add solar panel 5V-20mA on top of boxNovember 2023
🚀[Hardware] Support Hatboard 2In-2Out (optinal pluggage)January 2024
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Information RAK3172_Canopus board

ObjectDetail componentNote
PowerSolar 5V or DC 5VMaximum 6VDC
Solar chargeLT4054Upto 800mA
RS485SP485EEProtect over volt, current
I2C-Pullup internal ~100k
One-wire-Pullup internal ~100k
4-20mA-Resolution 14bit
0-10V-Resolution 14bit
LORA SoCRAK3172STM32WL inside
CasePlasticSize 100x68x50

RF Characteristics

The RAK3172 supports two different frequency variations: RAK3172(L) Low Radio Frequency and RAK3172(H) High Radio Frequency.

Operating Frequencies

North AmericaUS915

  • 1 × RAK3172 Module Lora + STM32
  • 1 × LTC4054 Power Management ICs / Power Supply Support
  • 1 × CH340E Electronic Components: USB to UART
  • 1 × 18650 Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × USB type C Electronic Components USB_C

View all 7 components

  • Version hardware log

    namnam2 days ago 0 comments

    🏷️Version 0.98 [March-2023] (Prototype).

    🏷️Version 0.99 [April-2023].

    🏷️Version 1.0 [June-2023].

    🏷️Version 1.1 [Sept-2023].

View project log

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